5 Strategies for Creating a Wellness Routine

Embarking on a journey to prioritize your well-being? In this blog post, we unveil '5 Strategies for Creating a Wellness Routine' that will guide you toward a more balanced and fulfilling life. Whether you're a wellness enthusiast looking to enhance your current routine or just starting your wellness journey, these practical tips and expert insights will empower you to design a personalized routine that aligns with your goals. Let's begin the journey to holistic mental health together!

Reflect & Set Goals

There are 8 areas of wellness. Which ones need more attention in your life right now? What goals do you have for yourself in each area? Do you need to add more exercise or slow down and do more yoga and meditation? Do you need to pay more attention to your financial situation or emotional wellness, rather than focusing on social or spiritual? Take some time to reflect on each area and decide where you’d like to focus for the next 3-6 months.

Be Consistent

Consistency does not equal perfection. Consistency, to me, means being intentional about setting time aside throughout the week to benefit you and your well-being. Little steps add up to create significant distance after some time. 

Experiment & Have Fun

As much as consistency is important, so is changing things up and experimenting with what works for you, and most importantly, what is fun and enjoyable for you. If running has been your thing for some time, and now, you dread going for a run, maybe it is time to try weight lifting, boxing, or yoga. If you’ve been cooking the same meals for months, maybe it’s time to try a new recipe. If you normally go for a walk in the morning on the same path, maybe it’s time to try a walk in the afternoon at a different park. 

Include Your Friends and Family

This allows for some accountability, but it also just makes it more enjoyable! This also encourages your family and friends to improve their own wellness, which can positively impact your life and their well-being. 

Reevaluate Your Progress and Needs

Don’t be too hard on yourself, as there will always be areas for improvement!

Every 3 months, 6 months, or 12 months - whichever works best for you - reevaluate where you’re at and what you’re doing. What works? What improvements have you seen? What doesn’t work? What shifts could be helpful to make? Do you need to shift focus to a different area of wellness? Reevaluating can allow for space to celebrate progress and also experiment and change up your routine so that you don’t get bored or discouraged on your wellness journey. We all change throughout our life, which means our needs and abilities change with us. Your goals and focus will also need to shift to continue to grow and adapt. 

Here at Atlanta Wellness Collective, we want to help. To talk to someone or schedule an appointment, contact us or request an appointment today.

Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to substitute professional therapeutic advice. Talk with your healthcare provider about your health concerns and before starting or stopping therapies. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct professional advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.



Natural Ways to Heal Anxiety


Featured in: The Dude Therapist Podcast